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Natural Woman Alchemy

Feb 3, 2019

Today, on the alchemy of heart podcast  you hear part two of the amazing interview I did with the Angela Kuehl.

Coming from a traditional chinese medicine background Angela has gained such an enormous and profound holistic knowledge which she’s all passionately putting into her work. She's a spiritual advisor, a Certified integrative Health coach and Sociolinguist. She is also the founder of essence.wellness design where she works with women from all around the world to help them awaken to their soul purpose.

I was so amazed when I listened to her story and the journey she’s been on - so if you have missed part 1 of this interview, go back to episode  #6 and get all the good stuff. 

And I guarantee  you, with this episode you’ll get so much out of our conversation as well.

We are talking about              

  • why the word balance should be replaced with the word harmony,
  • why anchoring is so important, especially when you are a coach,
  • how important the quality of our input is and what we define as input 
  • how important clean food is and how we must avoid processed food
  • how responsibility has nothing to do with finger pointing and blaming, but everything with being accountable for what we create inner lives
  • that we always have the choice at any given moment
  • and that self knowledge is the key to a healthy and fulfilled life.

We invite you to join us on this beautiful journey of shared wisdom and life experiences.


Book mentioned in the episode:

Choosing Happiness by Stephanie Dowrick:


How to connect and work with Angela:

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Love, Nadine