Feb 24, 2019
This is part 2 of my ESP series. Today I talk about Clairsentience, what it is, and how it works for me.
I also cover the main characteristics clairsentient people have and the challenges they may go through in life.
It is very easy to get out of balance in this world and especially clairsentients need to make sure to maintain healthy boundaries and clear their energies, since they ten to pick up so much more than others. That is why I also provide valuable tips and exercises that are easy to apply.
As a healer, coach singer and writer I am very connected to the hidden realms. My connection to spirit was always my sacred haven and it took me such a long time to openly talk about these abilities. So, with this series I come out of the closet and share my experiences and stories of how I perceive the world.
I also want to encourage everyone of you to really go within and be true to yourself, to reclaim these gifts and use them for your highest good and for the highest good of this world.
There's so much more than we could ever see with our eyes, so much more than our mind could ever comprehend.
Thank you for listening and being part of this journey.
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