Mar 24, 2019
It is spring in the norhtern hemisphere and this calls for an inner and outer detox. Spring cleanse is not just about the stuff in your house or garage, it is a cleansing of your thoguths, old habits, patterns.
In this episode I share with you a part of my judgement detox journey and I share some great ideas and tips for you if you are curious to do the same.
We are all judging, all the time. We are giving things names and labels and by that we are judging them. We are judging people we don't know, we are judging people wehold dear to our heart, and most of all we are judging ourselves. The inner critic is very active.
The first step is to become aware that we are being judgmental, that we hold grievances, that we are being hard on others and ourselves, and then from this observation we have the chance to choose again.
What would love do?
We can change our behaviour and attitude.
This inner cleanse is an ongoing process, it is for a life time. It is the most rewarding thing you will ever achieve in your life.
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Love, Nadine