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Natural Woman Alchemy

Jun 2, 2019

Welcome to the first Spiritual Hour with my dear friend and soul sis Angela Kuehl and me. 

for those of you who have been following my podcast you probably might know Angela from prior episodes and if you haven't listened to them yet,  check out episode number 6, 7 and 17.

Coming from a traditional chinese medicine background Angela has gained such an enormous and profound holistic knowledge which she’s all passionately putting into her work. She's a spiritual advisor, a Certified integrative Health coach and a Yoga Teacher. She is also the founder of essence.wellness design where she works with women from all around the world to help them awaken to their soul purpose.

She is just amazing and It is always so enlightening and soothing to talk to her. And you’ll love it. 

In this episode we are answering your questions. We have asked you on Instagram what kind of questions you want us to answer and here we are. 

Today we are talking about.

  • being on the spiritual path and how to attract the right partner, the partner of your dreams, that partner that truly is in alignment with your values and your spiritual and personal development
  • money mindsets and money consciousness which is sooooooooo important and needed as we are all shifting rapidly and how money is a form of abundance and how we really need to rewrite our story with money
  • sisterhood and why we as women need to come together and support each other even more now- which is also very important for men btw
  • spirit guides and how to differentiate the voice of your ego and the voice or your spirit team
  • and we also give you an overall energy update for June 2019.

This episode is so delicious, we had so much fun and you’ll love the answers. listen in and enjoy. 

Book mentioned in this episode: (the following link is an affiliate link, yu can use this link to purchase this book)

How to connect and work with Angela:

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Love, Nadine