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Natural Woman Alchemy

Jun 9, 2019

Hello loves, in this short episode I'm sharing my peronal struggle with making proper time for rest and what I have learnt especially in this week about giving myself the rest that I need and saying no to offers and such.

If you are anything like me, you tend to do this and that, have many projects going on at the same time and you simply love being creative and holding space for others. Now this is great and I love my job and my projects. But honestly, what really is a challenge for me every single day is how to know when it is enough and not to overschedule and overdo it. 

I'm  also giving you a littel sneak peek of what I am currently working on and why everything is so exciting that I sometimes forget to carve out quality time for myself and simply do nothing. I share some of my insights how we as women can make that time for us, especially when we are bleeding. 

Join me on my journey of figuering out how to navigate thourgh a busy life while still honoring my body's needs and cylces. 

And please feel free to share with me your ideas and insights. 

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Love, Nadine