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Natural Woman Alchemy

Nov 27, 2020

Welcome to the first edition of my new series Goddess Talk. My first guest is Ama Boakye. She's a shiatsu practitioner, aura reader and energy healer from Belgium. She currently lives in Ghana where she's connceting with her roots and going into deep spiritual work and healing, connceting to Spirit and her ancestors. 

In this episode we cover the following topics: 

  • aura reading
  • energy work
  • shiatsu massage
  • altar and ancestors
  • the importance of rituals
  • connecting with spirit 
  • from a healer’s perspective: what’s happening on our planet right now. 
  • the importance of humbleness and embracing that we don't know what’s happening particularly in these times 
  • great opportunities
  • letting go of control
  • surrender
  • mending our wounds and integrating our shadow parts 
  • focussing on what we want and not what we don't want - how do we want the world to look like. 
  • talking to spirit through nature
  • how nature is such a wonderful healer
  • being mindful and respectful of nature 
  • healing through music and dance - experiencing the symbolism 
  • her health challenge that she’s overcome 
  • the person that impacted her the most, who brought a lot of healing to her, helping her integrating her roots 
  • and that trust is more important than ever

We recorded this episode way back in March 2020 but the content can't be any better for this particular times.


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Love, Nadine