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Natural Woman Alchemy

Jul 13, 2022

In this full moon musings episode we talk about full moon in Capricorn, the Integrity Gap, and the shadow self which is coming up very strongly these days. But it's happening only for us to bring it into the light.

July is juicy in many ways and forms but it also comes with a lot of uncertainty for many of us. Make the next 4 weeks exclusively about play, as much as you can. Incorporate play wherever you can. Really connect with your inner child, with that innocence that you truly are. It's very crucial to tap into this energy right now. And please, once you're tapped in, stay with it for as long as possible.

Try to not take everything so seriously. It's really good to laugh about yourself from time to time, and let things loose. Don't believe every thought you think. Most of them are not even true. We see through the eyes of our past and our past is very likely distorted and very subjective. The truth is to be found somewhere totally different. Your shadow is the part that you've been hiding, that you've neglected or abandoned, made wrong or that you feel ashamed of, those hidden secrets  about you. Are you willing to face it? It can be fun.

I've included 2 extended card readings and in each of them I dive into Love & Relationships, Career and Job, Health, Finances. Pick either 1 or 2 or mybe listen to both. :) Here are your time stamps:

  • Card Reading #1 - 14:19
  • Card Reading #2 - 57:47


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Love, Nadine


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