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Natural Woman Alchemy

Feb 24, 2019

This is part 2 of my ESP series. Today I talk about Clairsentience, what it is, and how it works for me. 

I also cover the main characteristics clairsentient people have and the challenges they may go through in life. 

It is very easy to get out of balance in this world and especially clairsentients need to make sure to...

Feb 17, 2019

Today, on the alchemy of heart podcast I interview the wonderful psychic medium and coach Christine Todd. 

Based in San Francisco Christine works with clients from around the world and connects with them on a very deep emotional and spiritual level.

She is literally selling miracles and I highly respect her, her work...

Feb 10, 2019

What is Claircognizance?

This is part one of my ESP (extra sensory perception) series and I am really excited to share it with you.

I bet you all have had situations where you suddenly knew things that you actually couldn't know, you didn't have any proof of or prior knowledge. I bet, you all had moments of forewarnings...

Feb 3, 2019

Today, on the alchemy of heart podcast  you hear part two of the amazing interview I did with the Angela Kuehl.

Coming from a traditional chinese medicine background Angela has gained such an enormous and profound holistic knowledge which she’s all passionately putting into her work. She's a spiritual advisor, a...