Oct 29, 2021
What is Samhain/Halloween all about?
Listen in and get another perspective if you just happen to know the spooky ghost and zombie stories.
Also listen in if you do know the true meaning of Samhain. It's always good, as wise women, to stay connected.
Tune in to last year's Samhain/Halloween -Full Moon special where I...
Oct 23, 2021
I invite you to join the wonderful Goddess & Rose Priestess Marin Bach-Antonson to dive into the depth of your heart, into your endless ocean of remembering, and experience a healing transmission that will change your life if you're opene to receive Marin's powerful words.
Oct 19, 2021
Hey beauties,
Libra season is coming to an end and we're experiencing a very fiery full moon in Aries October 20th.
Listen in to get your card reading. These card readings were so deep and healing.
time stamps:
Red Tent Sisters Circle: online, October 20th, at 7pm UTC+2,...