Feb 29, 2020
In this show I interview Eating Disorder Specialist Rachel Evans.
She explains the main ED types and their characteristics,
and how we can become more aware of these types of eating disorders.
In this episode we share our very own experiences with eating disorders and how we...
Feb 21, 2020
Have you ever wondered why you felt drawn to certain places and repelled by others?
What if you just needed to go and move somewhere else in order for you to be really fulfilled?
What vacation do you wanna go next and what if your Astro chart and composition could tell you which places are best for you?
Why are you...
Feb 7, 2020
In this episode I share with you my spiritual practice and my profound and mind-blowing experiences doing Dr. Joe's work.
Mystical experiences and healings that have taken place ever since I have committed to doing the work. It has changed my life forever. Overcoming myself and stepping further into my...