Apr 19, 2022
Hey lovelies, here's another beautiful practice that I wanna share with you.
I call it 100 things. It's a practice that I shared with my ladies in my online course SHE'S WORTHY a couple of weeks ago. And I wanna share it with you. We need more positive focus, we need more uplifting energy and we gotta turn away from...
Apr 18, 2022
Beauties, we had just the magnificient and absolutely stunning full moon in Libra, during the Easter Holidays. A time for the Divine Feminine to immerse herself into the etheral realms and dive deep into her heart. In this episode I share one of my favorite practices called THE HEART OF THE ROSE MEDITATION...
Apr 1, 2022
Join me in this New Moon Musings episode. I'm talking about the general energetics and of course at the end you get your card reading. Choose between 1 and 2 this time. ENJOY.