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Natural Woman Alchemy

Sep 29, 2019

Hey loves, 

this episode of Self Love Sundays (SLS) is asking you to cultivate a healthy relationship by saying no and staying connected to your core values.

This list might be valuable along the process:

It’s a no:

  • when it doesn't FEEL right/or good
  • when it is not in alignment with my core values
  • when I sense BS
  • when it’s actual BS
  • when something is not true
  • when there are power games involved
  • when something/someone is unkind
  • when someone is reacting and coming from a reactive state of mind (reacting from their wounded self)
  • when it's unsolicited advice, unsolicited shit dropping, unsolicited offers or expressions of opinion 

It’s a no when:

  • it’s not a definite yes,
  • it means I have to sacrifice and cut myself short and
  • my body reacts and gives me all the signs not to engage 



Books mentioned in this episode:(the following links are affiliate links, you can you the links to purchase the books)

I highly recommend reading Brené Brown's book:


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Love, Nadine